How Not To Go Broke This ChristmasGuardian Life - The Guardian Nigeria News - Nigeria and World News

December 22,2020

Wrapping of Christmas gifts | Image: Good Housekeeping

It’s that time of the year again, your favourite family members and friends, even the distant relative are beginning to ask you that question, “what are you getting me for Christmas?”
Unless you are the Grumpy Uncle or Aunt used to scare the naughty kids in the family to good behaviour, everyone looks forward to Christmas.

Christmas is only but a few days away and giving gifts isn’t a bad way to celebrate Christmas. Unfortunately, many of us go too far and end up spending more than we can afford. Reality check, don’t forget that January has 50 days! Now is the perfect time to begin to think of how to save money without necessarily being cheap.
Here are some tips to help you save money this Christmas.

Reduce your partying and clubbing
Detty December or not, if you are one of those that doesn’t miss a Friday night out with the boys or a shopping spree with your girl squad, do you still need a soothsayer to explain why your finance is a mess? Saturdays are for Owanmbes and as the slay king or queen that you are, you are at every aso ebi event, taking photos for the gram in your expensive outfits. Do you need a filter suggestion while you are at it? An outing now and then doesn’t hurt but before you buy that expensive bottle at the club or place an order for that aso ebi that is most likely your entire month’s salary, take a minute to think of all the other things you can do with the money instead. As for that aso ebi outing, you can survive without the souvenir that will be shared for those who bought ‘the uniform’!

Have a Christmas gift budget
It is always important to take control of your finances so you don’t end up spending money you don’t have. Take a step back from all the gift requests and decide what you can afford to spend without breaking your budget. Does your favourite niece need an iPhone 12 when something lesser will do?

Make a list
Now that you have a pretty good idea of how much you are willing to spend, make a list of everyone that you need to buy gifts for and assign a spending limit to each. The list is not set in stone so feel free to move the money around if you end up spending over or under the limits. Your target is not to exceed your budget.

Limit your travel expenses
Travelling during the festive season can be quite expensive and it is best to limit your travel expenses. With the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on airfares, you should consider if flying is your best option or if you can travel via other means especially if you aren’t travelling a long way. Depending on the location where you would want to spend Christmas, you may need to consider your travel expenses.

Don’t forget Christmas is about Jesus
There will be many requests from friends asking to come over for the infamous Christmas rice and chicken but remember there is no shame in not being able to host due to lack of funds. A quiet Christmas spent with family and friends is still Christmas. The aim of Christmas is not to spend or turn it into a giving competition. Christmas is supposed to be about God’s gift of His Son, Jesus. If this happens, try taking a step back.

You are the best gift there is
2020 has been a tough year for many people and while gifting of gifts is not a bad idea if it is something you can afford, keep in mind that you are the best gift there is. Being able to spend your invaluable time with your loved ones to celebrate Christmas is a gift in itself.